op.1. “Phos Ilaron”, for mixed choir (1984). The first, in chronological order, work of the composer, the result of his theological quest. It is a setting of an early Christian era hymn known as “Epilihnios”, which is in use today in the Orthodox ritual. Written in a rather chromatic style, having no relation with the melodic line of the traditional hymn, the work attempts to express the intense agony and passion at the beginning of one’s prayer, up to the final “apatheia”, the inner sense of fulfillment in his soul. A state of being without any passion as a consequence of divine energy, the action of divine light (“phos”). The Adagio for string orchestra (2005) is based in this work.
op.2. “Paraklisis”, for clarinet solo (1991). The first of the composer’s works written in a modern progressive idiom. It is based on symmetry of intervals and their gradual transformation. It is a musical equivalent of someone’s experience by attending the “Paraklitikos Canon to Virgin Mary” a very famous ritual which takes place in Eastern Orthodox Church in August. The work is divided to 7 parts: a. Ritual, b. Prayer Ι (bird song), c. Offer, d. Dance (mystic waltz), e. Prayer ΙΙ (recitativo), f. Expectation, g. The Miracle. In its stage form, the work includes an introduction with two monastery “talanton”, (a percussive piece of wood, monks use for ceremonial calling) sounding in a canon before the sound of a censer. A narrator recites hymns (“troparion”) from the ceremony between the parts. The work draw the attention of exquisite performers as Michel Arrignion, Stathis Kiosoglou (first and second performance in Athens in 1991-1992) and Giannis Sabrovalakis who under the artistic direction of Theodor Antoniou gave a performance at the 3d Sacred Festival in island Patmos (2003). He also recorded the work for a coming up CD production. In 2005 ChryssoulaGeorgaki performed the work at Royal Hague Conservatory, Netherlands in the course of Diploma Board Exams. In its version for oboe solo (2002), it has been perfomed by Spyros Kontos at "Ionian Academy Music Hall" in Corfu, in 2010, who also recorded the work for his personal CD. http://oboemetamorphosis.wordpress.com/2012/01/18/theodossiou-paraklisis/ www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvMkTi-ymUE&t=345s www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7jL1LB6pBM&t=322s www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMqpvUBHBs0 www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h7qGX9rrac www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Wh_acwtiX8 www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4Gfy1Z1Ezk www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh6ann5J3o4 www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM64xVwRYxw www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6pP6E-qQxM www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rcvF6q4TEo
op.3. “Ritual”, for oboe solo, (1991). Transcription of the first part of “Paraklisis” (1991).
op.4. “Cadenzae”, for clarinet and viola (1994). Written for the duo Stathis Kiosoglou – Natassa Ananna is a study in the classical style in two parts, Cadenza I and II, for the 2st and 3d movement respectively of the double concerto for clarinet and viola by Josef Fialla. The performance took place by the same duo with the “Athens String Orchestra” in 1994 at “Athens Megaron”.
op.5. “Triodion”, for alto flute, english horn, and basset horn (or clarinet op.5b) “… like a dry and thirsty land that has no water.” Psalm 63,1 (1996). An Ode for these three monophonic instruments, a reference to the period of the orthodox church calendar under the same name. The musical idiom here is closer to the traditional tonality with some hints of jazz harmony. The 5 parts are: a. Wandering b. Thoughts c. Remembrance d. Hesitation e. Decision and Passion The work attempts to express the anxiety and agony of a believer on his personal way to heaven. It has been performed by Katerina Cenz, Giannis Papagiannis, and Stathis Kiosoglou at “Philippos Nakas” Concert Hall, Athens in 1996 and by Nikos Halkias, Georgia Konstantopoulou and Vassilis Paraskeuopoulos at “Athenaeum” Concert Hall, Athens as well in 2004. www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjNJnYzaoDw
op.6. “Anakrasis”, for piano solo (1999). Written for the final concert of the seminar “Piano Music of 20th Century” by pianist Efi Agrafioti the work is dedicated to her. It follows the intervallic symmetry of “Paraklisis” (1991) but in a more free way and with the use of traditionally tonic elements. Here the composer taking advantage of the particular sonority of different regions of the instrument, attempts to « describe » the “anakrasis” the transubstantiation of the consecrated bread and wine to body and blood of Jesus Christ in the ritual of the Holly Mass. The performance took place the same year by the composer in the final concert of the seminar at “Athens Cultural Centre”, recorded as well by the “Hellenic Radio Television” and came up on a CD production by “MOTIVO” under the title “Piano Works by Greek Composers”. It has also been performed by Valeria Athanasiadou at “Athenaeum” Concert Hall”, Athens in 2002, by Eleni Papaspyrou in "Lillian Voudouri" Library Hall, Athens Concert Hall in 2015 and by Froso Ktistaki at Vafopouleion Cultural Center, Thessaloniki in 2019, in a conert under the auspicies of Aristoteleion University of Thessaloniki and Greek Composers Union. www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z-JyNJYKf8&t=17s www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLegMF7mEiQ&t=2s
op.7. “Little Studies”, for piano solo (1998 – 2002). Twelve Studies, ( 1st and 2nd volume) each of different style, character and technical demands using at the beginning a very simple tonic idiom, growing gradually to apply composition with symmetry of intervals, jazz harmony and free serialism. Parts of the work has been performed by Valeria Athanasiadou at “Athenaeum” Concert Hall”, Athens in 2002. Ι. a. “First Steps”, for the Five Fingers b. “Gnome”, for the Staccatto ( to Gyorgy Ligeti) c. “Clouds”, for the “Tenutae” d. “Gallop”, for the Crossing Hands e. “ A Knight’s Fanfare”, for the Chords f. “Sentiments”, for the sonority (to Bernard Hermmann) II. a. “Nocturne”, for the Sostenuto Pedal (to Keith Jarret) b. “Sorrow”, for Multiple Layers c. “Step by Step”, for the Wrist d. “Riddle”, for the Subtle Dynamics (to Anton Webern) e. “Fire Dance”, for the Large Intervals (to Arnold Schoenberg) f. “Jazzy”, for the “Swing” Feeling (to Thelonius Monk and Cecil Taylor) www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt_UFYkamQA www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mqvhRCfuDg www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYdvu2SALrg www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr9VEsywvtg op.8. “Barcarole”, A Dream for orchestra ( 2002). Short orchestral “comment” of romantic-impressionistic style, part of “Music and Vision”, a composer’s collection about sound and image (music for theatre, cinema, television or just imaginary visions).
op.9. “Epic Overture”, for synthesizers and large orchestra (2002). An orchestral overture of epic-romantic a character written for a hypothetical overproduction. From the composer’ s collection “Music and Vision”.
op.10. “M”, for piano, double bass and orchestra, (2002). A symphonic study in jazz idiom dedicated to composer's wife Myrto. From the composer’s collection “Music and Vision”.
op.11. “Landscape in Heaven”, for mixed choir and orchestra (2002). Another short “comment” from the composer’s collection “Music and Vision”. From the depths of one’s soul to the glory of the heights of heaven.
op.12.“Prelude” ( Occhi di Mare or Agean Sea), for piano solo (2002). A Short piece of “leggiero” character in the “Lied” form. From the composer’s collection “Music and Vision”. Included in the 2016 cd production "Greek Piano Waves" with Anita Savic on the piano by "Prime Marine Corporation". At the end of 2019 Erato Alakiozidou included it in her recital project Mediterranean Miniature Sketches in Aveiro (Portugal), Thessasloniki, Athens (Greece). www.youtube.com/watch?v=keV9Zk4GGek www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux1p8FSFjt0
op.13. “Our First Night”, for small orchestral ensemble, (2002). Title music of the movie on the same name by Zoe Xanthopoulou (Drama Festival 2003). From the composer’s collection “Music and Vision” as well.
op.14.“Seven Times Twelve”, for baritone saxophone and double bass (2002). Short dodecaphonic piece of “swing” character in which a twelve note row is used seven times. From the composer’s collection “Music and Vision”.
op.15. “Strange Visitors”, for string quartet (2002). A suspense “sequence” for an imaginary horror movie. Later the introduction of “String Quartet”(2006). From the composer’s collection “Music and Vision” as well.
op.16. “Music for an hypothetical T.V. Series of the 70’s”, for jazz band (2002). From the same collection “Music and Vision”.
op.17. "A Triumphal Fanfare" for large symphonic band (2002 - 2006) Dedicated to famous Greek clarinetist and band leader Stathis Kiossoglou. a. “L.A. Nights”, for jazz-rock ensemble and orchestra, (2002) b.“Funk ‘n Latin”, for jazz-rock ensemble (2002) c. “China Waltz”, for ethnic ensemble (2002) d. “Space Walk”, for synthesizers and orchestra (2002) e. “Cruisin’”, for voices, techno ensemble, brass and strings (2002). f. “Crystal Curtain”, for synthesizers (2002) g. “The Winner”, for jazz-rock ensemble and orchestra (2002) ι.«Συρτός» for santouri (2002) Short works for commercial use. From the same collection “Music and Vision”.
op.18. “Fuga”, A Portrait, Hommage a J.S.Bach, (2002) a. Strings Version, b. Baroque Trio Version, c. Church Organ Version and “Air”, A Portrait, Hommage a J.S.Bach, for baroque ensemble (2002). Compositional studies under the guidance by Michalis Travlos. From the same collection “Music and Vision”.
op.19. “Tristraton (Oidipus Blindness), for oboe and percussion (2002). Written for an imaginary performance of the famous scene of “Oidipus” by Sofokles. From “Music and Vision”also.
op.20.“Nocturne”, for flute, oboe (or clarinet), cello and piano (2003). An extended dodecaphonic work in the form of theme and variations. Its mystic mood (like a all night long ritual) follows the strict composing process. It is divided in seven parts: Theme, Var. I – V, and Epilogue. The 5th Variation is a greek dance (Danza alla Greca). Because of the demanding and soloistic part of the cello, the work could be a concertino for this instrument. The performance took place at the “Hellenic American Union” Theatre by the Hellenic Ensemble for Contemporary Musicunder Iakovos Konitopoulos.
op.21. “Thrinos”, for cello solo (2003), 3d Variation from “Nocturne” for flute, oboe, cello and piano (2003). It has been performed by Photini Nikolopoulou at “Athenaeum” Concert Hall, Athens in 2003 and by Kostis Theos at "Ph. Nakas" Concert Hall, Athens in 2010. In the same year the work have been transcribed for viola solo (op.21b.). In 2019 the work transcribed also for violin solo (op.21c) for the Greek soloist Tania Sikelianou to whom the transcription is dedicated. In 2024 Greek cello soloist Kostis Theos recorded the work for the new "Phasma Music" CD "Spectrum 2". www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5gWwRJ8IzA
op.22.“Dance Scenes”, for wind quintet, “Hear the Voice inside You …” (2003). Written in a strict and abstract dodecaphonic style, follows the form of a theme and 12 variations- miniatures (in the style of Webern) with an epilogue. There is an emphasis between the intervallic and motivic interrelations of the initial tone row and the planning of the work. In its 2008 version has 4 mouvements: I."Riddle" (to Yannis Christou) II."Gnome" (to Gyorgy Ligeti) III."Fire Dance" (to Arnold Scoenberg) IV."Choreograpical Variations (to Anton Webern and Igor Stravinsky) It has a chorographical character and is dedicated to the composers above, following their compositional style.
op.23. “Dance Sketches”, for violin and piano (2003). Four dance like concertante pieces, each of them a portrait of a composer and a study of his style. A Tango or a Milonga for Nikos Skalkotas, a Waltz for Alban Berg, a Pas de deux for Paul Hintemith, and a Sarabande and Capriccio for G.F.Haendel και Igor Stravinsky respectively. The work performed by Spyros Travlos and Panagiotis Archontidis at “Athenaeum” Concert Hall, Athens, in the same year.
op.24. “Romanza”, for oboe and strings (2003). Incidental music for the narration of the novel “Eros Iros” by Alexandros Papadiamantis for a CD production by Geitonas School. A romantic and lyrical composition in the form of the Lied. The work was performed by oboe soloist Isidora Kopsida and Psychiko Youth Orchestra under composer's musical direction at Psychiko Catholic Church in 2016 and by oboe soloist Stella Nikiolaidi and the same orchestra by the musical direction of Emmanouil Lorentzos in Athens Conservatory Concert Hall in 2018. www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDRwmxvOXdM www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5lrvWbYRpQ
op.25. “The Fallen Dervish” (2004) a. The Fallen Dervish, for ney solo b. Dance of the Fallen Dervish, for ethnic ensemble c. Farewell of the Fallen Dervish, for ney and psalt singers ensemble Incidental music for the narration of the novel “The Fallen Dervish” by Alexandros Papadiamantis for a CD production by Geitonas School as well. An attempt for practice in old traditional musical forms of the past.
op.26. “Temptations”, Dialogues for clarinet and viola (2004). The work written for the duo: Giannis Sabrovalakis-Andreas Georgotas in a programmatic character, is a series of variations in a concertante style. The exposition of intervallic and motivic elements in the introduction (In the Desert), leads suddenly and unexpectedly (as it fits to a temptation) to 9 short appearances - disguises (Apparitions) - the 5th is a prayer and the 8th a Devil’s Dance. Finale (Flames) is in the peak of technical and expressional demands. Large intervals growing high like a cry to the listener between the two instruments and the strict contrapuntal writing suggest an interchange of roles between the tempting one and the other being tempted. Devil’s Dance and Finale rearranged later as parts of the “String Quartet” (2006).
op.27. “Fantasia Concertante”,for cello and large orchestra (2004). The almost traditionally tonic idiom of the work is a turning point for the composer’s thinking to more simple forms and easy to comprehend musical language. The tempos (Maestoso con moto – Poco meno mosso – L’ istesso tempo ma espressivo e tranquillo – Lento – Tempo primo) and the overall character is one of a romantic concerto. It is dedicated to Manos Hatzidakis and composer believes that it has something from him and his music.
op.28. “Eros”, for cello solo, “Love shattered my mind, like a storm in an oak forest on the mountainside.”«Έρος δ’ ετίναξέ μοι φρένας, ως άνεμος κατ’ όρος δρυσίν εμπέτων.» Sappho (V, 47 Lobel – Page) (2005). The work was a commission by the Thomas Tamvakos Greek Composers Archive. The power of love as Sappho poetically saw it and the composer musically hear it thousand years later. In a mystic and romantic-expressionistic as well mood “Eros” is based in a dialectical juxtaposition between the ancient Greek spirit and the contemporary musical thinking. The short citations of the famous Orestes stasimo from the Euripidian trilogy which recurs periodically works as a sacred voice from the past that leads the composer through the centuries and motivates his creativity. The work has been performed twice in 2006: by Dimitris Magriotis at “Philippos Nakas” Concert Hall, Athens and by Olga Articopoulou at “EXPO ATHENS” Concert Hall, in the “Anthousa String Festival” receiving a honoured distinction. In its version for viola solo (2010, op.28b), it has been performed by Andrea Hemmenway in Composer's Portrait, organized by the "Greek Composers Union" at "Hellenic Conservatory" in Marousi in 2010 and in her personal recital at "Vryssaki Hall", Athens Plaka, the same year. In 2019 the work transcribed also for violin solo (op.28c) for the Greek soloist Tania Sikelianou to whom the transcription is dedicated. www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MyLyIpbcwg www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2s1vwmJQRs www.youtube.com/watch?v=em16BZYkEW8
op.29.“Adagio”, for string orchestra (2005). It is a rearrangement of “Phos Ilaron”, for mixed choir (1984) The string writing reveals another aspect of the expressive possibilities of this early work. The work was performed by Psychiko Youth Orchestra under Yiannis Protopapas musical direction at Arssakeion Educational Institute Theater in 2017. www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzVM2GcTFDM
op.30.“Theme and Variations”, for string orchestra (2005). The work is written especially for the composer’s final composition diploma and has been his second attempt to write a work on a large scale (the first was a cello concerto - fantasia). The parts: 1.Theme: Andante espressivo 2.Var. I: Agitato con moto 3.Var. II: L' istesso tempo, Misterioso 4.Var. III: Waltz funebre, Allegretto 5.Var. IV: Andante sostenuto 6.Var. V: Allegro molto 7.Var. VI: Andante semplice 8.Var. VII: Tempo di waltz, Allegro 9.Var. VIII: Jazz Polka, L' istesso tempo 10.Var. IX: Adagio maestoso 11.Var. X: Tempo primo 12.Finale: L' istesso tempo The theme, on which ten variations lead to the grandiose finale, is written by a composer’s good friend, Nikos Drelas. The strict polyphonic writing of the earlier serial works as well as the free homophonic style of the last almost tonic is here all together in an almost progressive idiom. The programmatic nature of this composition coexists with the absolute musical sound form. Titles of variations like “Waltz funebre” or “Jazz Polka”, in an austere musical text give the point for a new direction in the composer’s creative thinking. Parts of the work have been performed by Philothei - Psychico Youth Orchestra under the direction of the composer at Benetatou Cultural Center in October 2014. https://youtu.be/yFJX5DXQaiA
op.31. “Little Preludes”, for guitar solo (2004) a. “Circles” b. “Fanfare” c. “Bells” Short images, little compositional attempts for such an “idiomatic” musical instrument. In 2020 Greek soloist Dimitris Mavros recorded the work. It is dedicated to the Greek famous guitarist Kostas Grigoreas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_syFTHv0SUo
op.32. Toccata and Blues, for harp solo (2006) A suite for another “idiomatic” musical instrument on old and new forms. “Blues” is dedicated to Michel Legrand and “Toccata” to Francis Poulenc.
op.33. “Piano Concerto”, for piano and strings (2005). The work is written in the classical form of a concerto and follows a neoclassical idiom. The three parts are respectively dedicated to: α. Johannes Brahms – Dmitri Schostakovitch, β. Bella Bartok γ. Sergei Prokoffiev – Paul Hinthemith – Johann Sebastian Bach being a study of each composer’s style . The whole work is dedicated to pianist Konstantinos Papadakis. The 3d part has been performed by Lorenda Ramou and Orchestra of Colours under the direction of Miltos Logiadis at Benaki Museum Cocert Hall, Athens in 2006. www.youtube.com/watch?v=56kEhr1aNns www.youtube.com/watch?v=80OyC1pqMgo www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S4lP5pSF6k
op.34. “The Flying Hat” Scenes of a Fairy Tail, for orchestra (2006). a. “A Little Fanfare” b. “The Hatland” c. “Dad, the Giant Hat” d. “Dance of the Little Hats” e. “The Wind” f. “The Flight” g. “Farewell” A fairy tale full of inspiration written by a child was the stimulus for the creation of this polytonal work for orchestra. With humor and innocence, piquant orchestration and cinematic use of the sound, the work is dedicated to the child, Michalis Tillianakis and to Eleutherios Geitonas, director of “Geitonas School” who gave the idea for this project. The work has been transcribed for piano, 4 hands, for the "Duo Pianismo" recital in "Benetatou" Cultural Center of Psihiko in 2010 and for wind quintet for the "Q innegal" Wind Quintet Concerts in Athens in 2011 ("Attikon Odeion"Conservatory, Art Gallery Café, Athens, Perigiali Theater, Korinthos). Excerpts of the work has been performed by Psychiko Youth Orchestra conducted by the composer at Arssakeion Educational Institute Theater in 2016. www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tsNKs5i2b0
op.35. String Quartet "Et expecto..." In memoriam Gyorgi Ligeti (2006) The work is written in the memory of G. Ligeti. It goes from strict atonal to tonal and almost neoclassical idiom, from inner intense expression to parody and grotesque humour. Elements so characteristic in the musical language of the honored composer. The 5 parts are: 1. Introduction: "Strange Visitors" (Lento misterioso), 2. Scherzo I: Interrupted cha-cha : "Faith's Dance" (Andantino scherzando), 3.Intermezzo: "Et expecto..."(Larghetto semplice), 4. Scherzo II: "Devil's Dance" (Allegro giocoso), 5. Finale: "Flames" (Feroce) There is also a programmatic scenario behind the five mouvements of the work: Strange visitors appear threatening or cheating. And suddenly Faith start to dance an interrupted cha –cha. Expectation stands in the center of the work and in the soul of our hero. Devil’s dance leads to the final test. Flames. Flames of purification or flames of hell? It has been performed by the ensemble “ALEA III” under Theodor Antoniou at “Tsai Performance Centre”, Boston University in 2007. Parts of the work have been performed by "Athens Bridge Quartet" at Faculty Lounge, Deree College under the project "Composing the String Quartet" of Deree Arts Festival in 2013. "Athens Bridge Quartet" recorded it ion CD (MOTIVO BQ1070) among Greek Composers Works in 2017. www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmQq-9oqV9s
op.36. “Asklipiadou Epigramma” for mixed choir (2007). It is a setting of an ancient “epigramma” of erotic-religious character by the Hellenistic era poet Asklipiadis from Palatinian Anthology (V, 64). The work was a commission by the Thomas Tamvakos Greek Composers Archive.
op.37. “Aeschilus’ Hymn to One God” for vocal ensemble or mixed choir (2007). A setting of a fragment from “Agamemnon”(“Oresteia”) by Aeschylus (V,160-166). Characterized by a chromatic melody and of remote progress harmony, the work attempts a tribute to the style of Gesualdo da Venosa. It was a commission by the Thomas Tamvakos Greek Composers Archive and it has been performed at the “Hellenic American Union” Theatre by vocal ensemble “Philodos”, in 2007. Transcribed for flute, violin and cello in 2021 as “Three for a Hymn” op. 37b and for string orchestra by violonist and conductor Alexandros Halapsis as "Hymn" op.37c. www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6w6x0ws11Y
op.38. “From a Diary of a Child” 30 Short Children Pieces for Piano Solo (2007) The life of a child reveals and hides inside images and sentiments, sounds and experiences, questions and concerns. Parts of a world lost forever but treasured in the adult soul. From “First Day, First Page” of the diary and Sunday’s “Joybells” to the “Bittersweet” morning dances and the “Calm” of a “Sunny Afternoon”, from “A Sudden Absence” and a “Strange Question” to the “Loneliness” and “Dream”, from the imaginary “Indian Dance” to the “Walkin’” on “a Rainy Day” and from “March of the Goose” to the “Flowers’ Waltz”, “Lullaby” and “Farewell Song”, these “Diary of a Child” pages unfold the thread of a very well known memory, a memory of us all. These 30 short piano pieces were composed between 2003 and 2007. Some of them are compositions of inspired children, composer’s pupils, like Orsaki Roussetou and Plato Tsoukatos-Pontikis. This collection is dedicated to all composer’s pupils and especially toy Nikos Karidis, the grown up “child” who gave me the opportunity to write most of the pieces presented. The work was recorded by Dimitra Mane on cd for an upcoming edition. The artist performed parts of the work in composer's personal Portrait organized by "Greek Composers Union" at "Hellenic Conservatory" in Maroussi in 2010 and the whole collection at "Mikros Horos Tehnis" (Little Hall of Arts) in Glyfada, Attiki, in 2015. Parts of the work had been performed also by Eleni Papaspyrou students, from Herakleion Music School, in "Theatrical Station", Herakleion, Crete and at "Lillian Voudouri" Library Hall in Athens Concert Hall in 2015. Parts also performed by Elissavet Mantopoulou students from "Glyfada' Conservatory at "Lillian Voudouri" Library Hall in Athens Concert Hall in 2019 and by Christina Giannelou sudents from Karditsa Musical High School in Plovdviv, Poland. www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEWhGGKmjQM www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6bq5kVyafw www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI62IN0xdA0
op.39. “Jeux pour Deux” for two pianos (2007). A work of neoclassical character with influences from jazz idiom. It is dedicated to the piano duo “Dimitra Mane – Andy Miliory” and to Maurice Ravel in the musical style of whom there are intentional references - by which was performed at Athenaeum Concert Hall Athens in 2008. The work have been secondly performed by Ting Ke and Chenshayang Huang at Boston University Concert Hall under Spring 14 Piano Ensemble Juries (K. Papadakis piano class) in 2014 and by Effie Agrafioti and Giorgos Kontrafouris in "D. Mitropoulos" Hall, Athens Concert Hall in 2015. www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpEJJHgenjw&t=70s youtu.be/wpOMrIpzBec www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbFUhbrU1JU
op.40. "Six Children Songs", for (2 and 3 part) Children 's Choir (2008) a. "Little Moon", poetry by G. Visiynos b. "Go, walk, see, come out", poetry by Al. Adamopoulos c. "Lullaby", poetry by St. Sperantzas d. "Cuckoo 's Song", poetry by Ar. Makri e. "Wave, Little Wave", poetry by M. Eleftheriou f. "The Drummer Boy", poetry by N. Gkatsos 6 settings on poetry written by famous Greek poets. A Thomas Tamvakos Archive of Greek Classical Composers commission. Composed in simple song tonic forms and mainly polyphonic texture. Dedicated to the composer's little son, Orfeas-Ioannis. The work has been performed by the vocal ensemble "Philodos" at Danish Institute in Athens, in 2008. The work was transcribed for flute duo and trio, saxophone duo and trio, and two flutes and violin trio in 2012. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie9yqN0Rat8 www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIQIsqPbRnc www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrGDVCUSTt8
op.41.“Two Rivers” (from Lethe to Mnemosyne) for mezzo soprano, flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano (2008) I. Lethe, the Water of Oblivion a. The Guardians b. Night Procession and Lament II. Mnemosyne, the Water of Remembrance a. Invocation b. Incantation The work is written between September and December 2008 for mezzo soprano Angelica Cathariou and the Greek Ensemble of Contemporary Music under Valery Oreshkin. It is based on an excerpt of an ancient greek funerary inscription of 4th century B.C. found at the Trofonius Oracle in Petilia, South Italy. "Γης παις ειμί και ουρανού, αστερόεντος. Αυτάρ εμοί γένος ουράνιον, τόδε ίστε και αυτοί. Δίψηι δ’ειμί αύη και απόλλυμαι, αλλά δότ’ αίψα ψυχρόν ύδωρ προρρέον της Μνημοσύνης από λίμνης." (I am a child of earth and starry sky. My origin is celestial, and you know it very well. I am burning thurst and I loose myself. But give me soon cool water, springs from Lake Mnemosyne.) The text, which is being set at the 2nd part of the work, is an invocation of the soul descending to Hades to the guardians of lake Mnemosyne, to allow keeping its memory alive to the next life. Privilege, under tradition, of the initiate souls, counter to that of lake Lethe which led them to eternal oblivion. The two parts of the composition are equivalent to the watery – the metaphysical element of the two lakes - rivers running across Hades. The work is dedicated to the memory of composer's father Ioannis Theodossiou (1917 - 2008) and has been performed by Angelica Kathariou and the Greek Ensemble of Contemporary Music under Valery Oreshkin at "Ph. Nakas" Concert Hall, Athens, in 2009.
op.42.“Egomia”, Concert Monologues, for Wind Quintet (2009) Ι. “Stasis I”, Lento, come un recitativo II. “Stasis II”, L ‘istesso tempo, molto ritmico III. “Stasis III”, Passacaglia Ritmica, L ‘istesso tempo, grave A work of free serialism, composed on the ritual of the “Egomia”, a very famous litany of the Eastern Orthodox Church which takes place on Holly Friday. It consist of 3 parts, 3 “Stasis”, according to the traditional ritual. The unaccompanied monologues of the 1st “Stasis” lead to the virtuosic dialogues of the 2nd and to the general fortissimo tutti of the 3d. The work has a version with narration on the prototype text of the traditional ritual. It was written on November 2009 for the “Q” innegal Wind Quintet which gave the premier at the German Evangelic Church in Athens next year and is dedicated to composer’s stepmother, Eleni, who died after the completion of the work. The 3d part has also a dedication to Olivier Messiaen, on the musical style of whom there are intentional references.
op.43.“Lorenda Variations” for piano solo (2009) A work of free serialism, based on the musical notes of the name of the distinguished greek pianist Lorenda Ramou to whom is dedicated and who gave the first performance at Hellenic Conservatory on a Composer’s Portrait by Greek Composers’ Union. The musical material is varied constantly up to the end of this one part composition. www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YEDmvnIJfM
op.44. "Hellenic Suite", for viola and piano (2010) I.Seashore Procession, Thalassaki (traditional tune from Dodekanisos) II. Dance of the Youngsters, Pentozalis (traditional tune from Crete) III. Litany in Spring, Egomia (from the Evening Service of Holly Epitaph) IV. Dance of the Elders, Matoklada (rebetiko carsilama tune by Markos Vamvakaris) V. Ancient Ritual, Orestes Stasimon (from "Orestes" Tragedy by Euripides) VI. Dance of the Past, Dance (traditional tune from Heipiros) VII. Homelands Lost, Mia Smyrnia stoPapathyri (traditional tune from Asia Minor) VIII. Dance of the Future, Pyrihios (traditonal dances from "Sera" and "Shereanit'sa" from Pontos) Four laments, four dances. Eight scenes depicting Hellenic History from 6th century B.C., or even earlier, up to our days, based on fragments of ancient Greek music, folk and byzantine tradition and rebetiko song tunes as well. From Greece of the distand past, to Greece of the present and, maybe, to Greece of the years to come, Hellas of the Future. The work is dedicated to the Greek Composer Giannis Konstantinidis. It has been performed by Andrea Hemmenway and Konstantinos Papadakis in " Fall Arts Concert" organised by "Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia" in "The Ethical Society Hall" of Philadelphia in 2010. The same artists perfomed the work at "Kendal Concert Hall" in Kendal, Pennsylvania in 2011. Version for violin and piano(op.44b) available. Excerpts of this version has been performed by Tania Sikelianou and Timos Gennatos at : "Ellinikon Eidyllion", Selianitika, Aigion in 2011. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz0Vjxqjj7Y www.youtube.com/watch?v=p85FLAegsfo
op.45. "Scenes from Ancient Greece", for piano solo (2010) I.Invocation (1st Delphic Hymn to Apollo) II.Ritual (from "Orestes" Stasimon by Euripides) III.Dance (Pirryhios) Toccata An Invocation, a Ritual, a Dance. Three acts of calling upon God, three different aspects of referring to Him. One of call, one of prayer, one of bacchanale ecstasy. Each one is based on a melody fragment from Ancient Greek Melos depicting three scenes from Ancient Greece. Performed in "Faculty Recital" at "Philips Autograph Library" of the West Chester University of Pennsylvania in 2010 by Konstantinos Papadakis to whom is dedicated. Toccata for piano solo (2010, op.45.b) is an excerpt by the composer's three-part piano solo suite "Scenes from Ancient Greece" (2010). The work is also transcribed for violin solo (op.45c) in 2019 and dedicated to soloist Tania Sikelianou. Other transcriptions, for flute, violin, cello and piano op.45d (2021) and piano quintet op.45e (2021). www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWZ16SpHvSo&t=107s www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t_kWkL8dOU www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpTHIswZjJ8 www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTl0fwFZyck
op.46. "The Passage", for alto flute, viola and piano (2010) Introduction I.Ten Minutes II.I have something to tell you! III.Do you remember the river? The work is based on the three, one act, theatrical plays by Greek writer and doctor Harry Candiloros, published under the same name by "Dodoni" in 2010. The story is about the passage between this life and life after death. The 1st is about a cosmological end which never happens. The 2nd about the death of two friends under a collapsed building after an earthquake. The 3d about an afterlife dialogue between the persons of a family. Each of the three parts of the work is written respectively after the reading of the three parts of the book. First performance by "Meteora Ensemble" (Julia Barnett: alto flute, Kathryn Christensen:piano) with Andrea Hemmenway: viola as guest artist at Palisades Lutheran Church, Los Angeles, California in 2010. The work was transcribed for violin, baritone saxophone and piano in 2012. www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdgtmkkiOg0 www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObO_CZZmI_c www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBlN9FeyYHw
op.47. "Hellenic Dances", for clarinet and piano (2010) I.Dance of the Youngsters, Pentozalis (traditional tune from Crete) II.Dance of the Elders, Matoklada (rebetiko carsilama tune by Markos Vamvakaris) III.Dance of the Past, Dance (traditional tune from Heipiros) IV.Dance of the Future, Pyrihios (traditonal dances from "Sera" and "Shereanit'sa" from Pontos) Transcription of four parts by "Hellenic Suite " for viola and piano. Tranciptions for clarinet and piano, flute and piano, oboe and piano,alto saxophone and piano, tenor saxophone and piano, flugelhorn and piano and wind quintet are available. The work is dedicated to Stathis Kiosoglou for whom is written and has been performed by Stathis Mavrommatis and Christina Panteli at Pera Multipurpose Hall, Konstantinople in 2011 and twice by "O Ihos os Ehei" wind quintet in municipality of Larisa, Greece, 2014). Duo Tact (Chryssoula Georgaki - Stelios Spaniolas) performed "Hellenic Dances" in Lafkada Philarmonic Society in Lefkada, Greece, and Athenaeum Concert Hall, Athens, Greece. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rul98qY4iHY www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmr7oCxdnxo www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJPNNeVUkv4 www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2VLtLWChFE op.48. "This Body", for mixed choir (2011) A setting of the, under the same title, poem from the collection "Notebook of Exercises" (1929-1937) by G. Seferis.
op.49. "Greek Christmas Carols", for flute a bec, traverse flute and bassoon (2011) I. Ikaria Christmas Carol II. Crete new Year's Carol III. Trace New Year's Carol Musical elaboration of three Greek traditional carols in baroque style for this ensemble of three woodwinds. Written for the "Trio a bec" ensemble which performed it twice in 2011 ("Attikon Odeion" Concert Hall, "Art Gallery Cafe"). There are trancriptions of the work for sax trio (2012) and flute, violin and cello (2017, op.49b). The latter was performed in 2017 at Kaloy's Concert Hall in Korinthos. www.youtube.com/watch?v=NatS_6vWEaA
op.50. "Tania's Portrait" for violin solo (2011) I.Elegy (Lento espressivo) II.Ostinato i (L' istesso tempo e marcato) III.Recitativo i (Poco piu mosso) IV.Dialogue i (L' istesso tempo) V.Ostinato ii (Largo sostenuto) VI.Recitativo ii (Tempo primo) VII.Dialogue ii, Finale (L' istesso tempo) A musical portrait of Greek violinist Tania Sikelianou who gave the premiere performance at "Cabaret Voltaire" Cultural Center, Athens, Greece in her "Violin + 2" recital in 2012. And for the second time in the Contemporary Music Research Center Festival at the Athens Conservatory 2011. www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQEbke3_qEo
op.51. "Overture" for woodwinds and brass (2012) I. Processional (Moderato con moto, maestoso) II. Funeral III. Triumphal The work, a commission by three ensembles ("Q innegal", "Just Brass", "Too Bass") was written for and performed in collaboration by them under the composer’s direction in the closing part of their concert in Athens on 2012 ("Parnassos" Concert Hall, Athens). The three parts suggest the hero's procession to the battle, death and mourning, and at last triumphal hymn up to heaven.
op.52. "Love shattered my mind..." for alto voice and piano (2013) The work is based on 5 saved fragments of ancient lyrical poetry, on love, by Greek poetess Sappho (Lobel-Page 47, 48, 49, 34, Diehl 94). Love shattered my mind... The sinking moon has left the sky, the Pleiades have also gone... The coming of mistress...The turbulent expression of Love...The stars about the fair moon in their turn hide their bright face...lights up all earth with silver. It is dedicated to alto singer Anna Mouzaki by whom was performed at "Atheneaum Concert Hall" in 2013. Second performance by Margarita Sygeniotou and Christos Marinos in 3d Greek Chios Contemporary Music Festival, Chios Island 2019. Third performance by Ioanna Vrakatseli with Christos Marinos in Athens Concert Hall in 2021. www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPhqvGxczcw
op.53. "In the Years of the Mist" Suite, for violin and cello (2014) Written after the, by the same name, 3-part novel by Greek author Nikos Goulias.(ed. Psychogios"). It is based on typical urban music forms of Smyrna on late 19th and early 20th century. I.Zeibekikos (Nickola's Dance) II.Aptalikos (The Train from Kassamba to Smyrna) III.Hassaposervikos (Lionis escapes Smyrna) First performance by "Duo Ficell" (Luminita Macavei - violin, Stavros Parginos - cello) at "Dieleusis" Art Hall, Athens in 2014. The composition of the work is to be continued. www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gkmH2VbpzA
op.54. "Jazz Trio Suite", for flute, piano and electric or acoustic bass (2014) Based on - and adapted from - older compositions ("Music and Vision" for various ensembles, "Little Studies" for piano, "Hellenic Suite" for viola and piano, "Suite from Ancient Greece" for piano) especially for the alternative ensemble "Baroque & Blue" (Nikos Katritzidakis - flute, Vyni Founta - piano, Giannis Harbilas - el. bass, Giannis Lelloudas - drums). I. Fugue II.Jazzy III.Gnome IV.Seven Times Twelve V.Nocturne VI,Fire Dance VII.Toccata Its concertante style derives from progressive jazz idiom. Composer's intention is to give a sequel to Claude Bolling's jazz piano trio suites (already in the ensemble's repertoire). The work is dedicated to the members of "Baroque & Blue" ensemble who performed it at General State Archives, Greece in 2014, at Attikon Odeion Concert Hall in 2015 (Ichnos Quartet), at Aetopouleion Cultural Center, Chalandri and in ERT 3d Program live "Concerts In the 3d" in 2019. Transcription availiable for violin, baritone saxophone and piano, dedicated to "Mediterranean Trio" (2015). www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLoPrDrvy5w&t=5s www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_WmJ-ULKlg www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp7yJjV5u6k www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6jQj9IULAk op.55."Two Pieces for Flute or Oboe or Clarinet or Alto Saxophone and Piano in Early Jazz Idiom" (2014) I. "Song" II."Swing it!" Two Pieces in early jazz idiom. Based respectively on two older piano studies by the composer. The 1st was performed in an adaption and improvisation by State Conservatory of Thessaloniki chamber ensemble (head of the department: Erato Alakiozidou) in a concert at the Theater of the Institution in 2018.
op.56."Two Songs on my Poetry" (2014) I."Sunrise" II."Dusk" Two songs on composer's poems.
op.57."Sevi's Songs" (2014-2015) I."I'm searching for you" II."If you remember me I'll be there" III."Six in the morning" Three songs on poems by famous Greek songwriter Sevi Tiliakou.
op.58. "Jazz Suite for Two Pianos", transcription of "Jazz Trio Suite" (2015) Parts: I.Fuga II.Jazzy III.Gnome IV.Seven Times Twelve V.Nocturne VI.Fire Dance VII.Toccata The work was written for the piano duo "Effie Agrafioti - Giorgos Kontrafouris".
op.59. "Images", for cello and guitar (adaption of "Little Preludes" for guitar solo) (2015) a. “Circles” b. “Rock Fanfare” c. “Bells” The work is dedicated to Leslie Jones and Giannis Petridis.
op.60. "Tales from Childhood", for flute and piano (2015) a. “Fairy Tale” b. “Swingin' Cucoo” c. “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall” d. "Between Two Corridors" e. "Silence" f. "Caress" Memories from childhood which begins with a fairy tale and ends with a caress.". There are transcriptions of the work for clarinet and piano (op.60b) and oboe and piano (op.60c) as well. Premier performance by Iwona Glinla and Faye Pana at "Art & Artistry" Hall, Athens in 2016. www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7TbVLHnsy8 www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-JDcn-LWxE www.youtube.com/watch?v=4czJIATbdYI www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYC-I0jx2wg www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzboITeVGT www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-ZGVACxTDQ op.61. "Litany" Seven Variations on a Theme, for english horn solo (2015) The parts: Theme:“God's Word” Var. I:“The Heart is Questioning ” Var. II:“The Soul is Dancing” Var. III: "The Mind is a Poet" Var. IV:"The Flesh is Singing and Crying" Var. V:"The Body keeps Walkin'" Var. VI: "The Saint is Listening...(and the bird is singing!)" Var. VII: "God's Fullfiled Presence" The religion experience of a pilgrim in a Saint's litany (St. Dionysios of Zakynthos, Greece) in the Eastern Orthodox ritual. The work is dedicated to oboist Isidora Kopsida. There are transcriptions available or clarinet solo (dedicated to clarinetist and musicologist Giannis Sabrovalakis) and for alto flute solo (dedicated to flutist Nikos Katritzidakis). Flutist Iwona Glincka performed alto flute vesrion work's premier at "An Art Artistry" Hall at Plaka, Athens, on Febrouary 2016 and at MiMoDa Studio, Los Angeles on August, same year... She also recorded the work for a double cd on Greek Composers Works for flute, under Sarton cd company.
op.62. "Three Rivers" (Acheron, Kokkytos, Pyriphlegethon) Suite Concertante for flute , clarinet, violin, cello and piano (2009 - 2015). Based on an excerpt from Homer's Odussey:"Ενθα μέν εις Αχέροντα Πυριφλεγέθων τε ρέουσι Κώκυτος θ', ος δή Στυγός ύδατος έστιν απορρώξ πέτρη τε ξύνεσίς τε δύω ποταμών εριδούπων".( Κ 513-515). {"There, at Acheron river, Pyriphlegethon and Kokkytos,drain into, spring both from Styx's water , at the same rock, two buzzing rivers blend"). Dedicated to composer's mother Barbara Theodossiou - Maniatea (1926 - 1973).
op.63."From a Diary of a Child", Short everyday stories, 30 easy pieces for flute and piano (2016). Based on, under the same title, 30 pieces for piano solo. Dedicated to composer's little son, flutist, Orfeas Theodossiou, Nine of the pieces transcribed by the composer under the collection "From a Diary of a Child" for sax trio op. 63b and dedicated to Glykeria Moraitaki, conductor and bandleader of the Philarmonic Band of Korinthos Municipality, who performed it with her students at Kaloy's Conservatory Concert Hall in 2019. There are also transcriptions of "Lullaby" (part of the suite) for piano and other solo instruments: violin, flute, cello, oboe, and clarinet as op.63c,d,e,f,g respectively.
op.64. "It", Suite for clarinet, piano, double bass and drums (2016). Music Score the silent movie by Clarence Badger, and Josef von Sternberg "It" (1927) with Clara Bow, Antonio Moreno, and William Austin on the leading roles. I. Title Music II.The "IT" quality III.Waltham's Store IV.In the Office with Monty (Goodluck) \V.Elinore Glyn's "IT" VI.Betty in the Store VII.Taking the Bus VIII.Gas-house Gables (The Kids-The Date-The Baby) IX.At Betty's Home (Mother's Hard Time - Preparations for the Dinner - Two Worlds) X.At the Ritz! XI.Crabby Customer - Betty in the Office XII.In the Fun House XIII.This is my baby XIV.A Bitter Misunderstanding XV.Monty at Betty's Home - Misunderstanding Solved XVI.Getting on Board - Monty Tries to Escape XVII.Miss van Cortland on Board XVIII."IT", Something Between Τhem (Music on Deck - Rejection - Women at Sea - Reunion) XIX.End Titles Premier in the 7th Silent Movie with Live Music Festival at Michael Cacoyannis Foundation in June 2016, by Stathis Kiosoglou clarinet, Alexandros Makris piano, Yiorgos Arnis double bass, and Vassilis Panagotopoulos drums ("IT" ensemble). Next performances by the same ensemble: At the "Shoe Factory" in Nicosia, Cyprus during the live Festival in January 2017, at "Benetatou Foundation, Psychiko, Greece in March 2017 and at Palaiologos Grove, Nea Ionia, Greece during the "Cinema, Music & Theater Evenings" Festival in July, same year. www.youtube.com/watch?v=MITSwbivK8o&t=63s www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG02VDl8ot0 www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdhKtAgqgcM&t=9s www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2iiVjQsW3k&t=29s 65. "Little Jazz Piece for Iwona", One Minute for flute solo (2016). One minute piece written especially for the official presentation of double CD "ALPHA" - "BETH", at "IANOS" Athens Cultural Center on October 2016 by Iwona Glinka to whom is dedicated.
op.66."Recitativo, Ostinato and Toccata" for church organ (2016). The work is a commission by Thomas Tamvakos Greel Composers Archive. It has three mouvements, each one a developed version of an older composer's work to a new concept of unity. The mystagogic character of "Recitativo" and its melodic phraseology in a rhetoric or hieratic style, is followed by the constant obsession with the "Ostinato". Horizontal lines are developed interruptedly rouns the steady transformation of motive's repetition, which escalates the course of the work to a sudden outburst of a polyphonic "Toccata". The work is dedicated to Thomas Tamvakos. It was performed by Christina Antoniadou at Anglican Church in Athens and at All Saints Cathedral, Nairobi, Kenya in 2018, and at St George Cathedral, Ano Syros (Island) in the 3d International Organ Syros Festival in 2019. www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwQ0LOXbf6g&t=15s www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p9RriIfPJ4 op.67. "Milonga", for piano duo (2016). Concertante piece especially written"a la maniere de" Astor Piazzolla" for an "Duo Spechio" piano duo upcoming cd to whom is also dedicated.
op.68. String Quartet n.2 "To the uknown..." Nikos Goulias in memoriam, for string quartet (2017). Work written within the framework of composer's postgraduate studies on "Composition for Vocal and Instrumental Ensembles" in Ionian university. The parts: 1st Mouvement (Dies Irae) a. March, "Death is approaching" b. Fugue, "Soul is chased" c. Canon i, "Back to the body" d. Canon ii, "To the last breath" e. Coda, :The End" 2nd Mouvement (Variations on a Theme" Theme, Lento misterioso: "Leaving the body..." Var. I: "Soul is alone" Var. II: "...and begins to wander..." Var. III: "Pain from above" Var IV: Very intimate, "To the uknown..." Epilogue, Lento The work is based in three structural elements: A symmetrical tone - semitone scale, the characteristic motive of "Dies Irae" hymn, and a 12 tone series on the nameletters of the honoured person. It is dedicated to architect and author Nikos Goulias, composer's cousin, and is the music equivalent of the journey of the soul during and after death.
"op.69. Emotions" for piano solo "Mirroring the realm of emotions..." after a sculptural triptych by M. Dedie Mourtzini (2017). The parts: I. Fear (Fear is the reaction to what is happening. It conquers, it determines, it dictates, it directs human emotions and actions. Fear is the reaction to the stimuus. Like a flickering of divine energy, its trepidation resembles a relentless flirtation surrounding the human soul. At the same time, it represents an experience of inner awakening. The soul is shaken in awe. Fear, undefined, shapeless, staggering, yet its reign is unquestionable.) II. Sorrow - Contemplation (The moments of sorrow leads to contemplation. It is a Turning Point. It is the moment when these inseparably paired emotions touch upon the circumstances. The breath of circumstances however brings juxtaposition, conflict, and tension to the soul. The Past has ended and its pains cannot be forgotten. The Present is being confronted. The Future is being born within the innermost part of the soul. Sorrow - Isolation - Profound Thinking - Contemplation are the preconditions for the handling of situations, circumstances, thoughts, and emotions both in the Present and the Future.) III. Embrace (The end of Sorrow - Contemplation. The moment of need for the soul. The need to fill in the empty, to cover, to relieve, to feel compassion, to soothe, to support, to protect.) "Under unfavorable conditions, in times of trouble, or emergency space is being "transformed" and "transported". When a man is called upon to rescue or transport his valuables, the moment of change knocks upon the door of human existence. The volatility of the current world, conditions, past experiences, wounds losses, as well as future anticipations, aspirations, and expectations, all help create an emotional, imaginary "space" within the human mind, emotions heart, and soul. The center of gravity of human existence now becomes the man himself. Space "moves" inwards. The realm of emotions is the most private and sacred space. Emotions become the center of gravity of the human soul. Interchanging, they settle in, they conquer, they determine, they dictate. Personal experience is the premise. The imprint of the material world is mirrored in the realm of human emotions. The sculptural triptych intents to incarnate successively the emotions escorting the basic human emotions of Need and Loss." (M. Dedie Mourtzini) www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCMRvGiuDKs
op.70. "Tornadoes" Two Songs for 4part mixed Choir from the, under the same name, poetry collection by Marinos Idomeneos (2017). Work written in tonal idiom and dedicated to Giannis Idomeneos, baritone and conductor of Youth Choir of Heraclion, Crete. The parts: Ι. "Μην Μπιστευτείς του Φεγγαριού" ("Don't put your trust in the Moon") (Malinconico) II. "Λάθος Πορεία" ("Wrong Route") (Andante rubato)
op.71. "Chromatic Variations" for two flutes (concert & alto) (2017). Written for the project "Call for recording - Two Minutes for Two Flutes" by Iwona Glinka and Ewa Liebchen for "SARTON" label. Based on symmetry of intervals, is a two minutes series of continuous variations with chromatic mouvement as dominant element. In 2018 the composer made a transcription for flute and clarinet.
op.72. "Flow" for alto flute solo (2017). Composed for the British soloist Clara Rees recital in Athens took place in October 2017. The parts: I.Night Wandering II.Midnight Song II. Question in the Dark IV.Moonlight Answer V.Moment (birdsong before dawn) VI.Morning Waltz VII.Midday Tango VIII.Afternoon Playtime IX.Evening Waltz X.Night Wandering www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d3KR2yMVfY www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LtCculJfOE&t=324s
op.73. "Between Times" "Time past and time future..." for clarinet, viola and piano (2017). Work written within the framework of composer's postgraduate studies on "Composition for Vocal and Instrumental Ensembles" in Ionian university and dedicated to the professor Josef Papadatos. Based on an excerpt from the "Four Quartets" by T.S.Eliot is polystilistic in idiom and in concertante style. "Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future And time future contained in time past. If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable. What might have been is an abstraction Remaining a perpetual possibility Only in a world of speculation. What might have been and what has been Point to one end, which is always present." (T.S.Eliot, "Four Quartets") The parts: I.Adagio misterioso (Outer Space, Gravity Zero) II.Allegro (Into a time vortex) III.L'istesso tempo (Escape) to Antonio Vivaldi & Dmitri Shostakovitch IV.Andante rubato (Tranquillity Nebula) to Olivier Messiaen V.Allegro (Gravitational Disorder) to Keith Emerson VI.Adagio misterioso (Eternal Present) Premier by "Ionian Islands Festival Ensemble" (Alexandros Michailidis - Elias Sdoukos - Stefanos Nassos) at Ionian Academy Theater in 2017. The work was chosen by International Society for the Contemporary Music to represent Greece in 2018 ISCM World New Music Days in Beijing Modern Music Festival, China. Performance by Trio Clavino (Doris Hall - Gulati, Simon Maurer, Xun Pan). In December 2020 Kostis Tzekos, Kostis Spyridakis and Eleni Papaspyrou performed the work among works by O. Messaen, R. Schumann and G. Faure within the framework of the on-line Herackion Municipality, Crete, Digital Chamber Music Festival 2020.
op.74. "Sentiments" for soprano saxophone and piano (2017). The parts: I.Longing (Cadenza adagio - Teneramente e appassionato) II.Sorrow (Sostenuto) III.Joy (Allegro swing) The work is written after a comission by "Duo Macarons" (Veronica Haitling - Riccardo Bozollo) to whom is dedicated. It is am adaption and development of three of 12 "Little Studies" for piano solo (Vol.1 - 2) (1998 - 2002).
op.75. "Echoes" for alto flute and vibraphon (2018). Work specially written iwona Glinka και Leszek Lorent to whom is dedicated. Τα μέρη: I. ...from inner self (Misterioso) II. ...from a dialogue (Giocoso) III. ...from beyond (Quiet) IV. ...from an illusion (Dancing) V. ...from herself (Tempo di Waltz) to Myrto The mysterious echo of inner self after a dialogue stimulation with another person. The intervention of the divine. A moment illusion. The unveiling of the other's soul echo. Dance. The last part is dedicated to composer;s wife, Myrto Lazaridou - Theodossiou.
op.76. "Premonitions" for large orchestra (2018). Work written in 2018 a thesis for composer's postgraduate studies in Musical Department of Ionian University ("Composition for Vocal and Instrumental Ensembles"). It is based on the, under the same title ('Premonition'), poem by the 19th century British-Canadian poet Robert William Service (1874 - 1958). Point of departure is the eternal conflict between light and darkness, hope and despair, vision and nightmare, spiritual formation and inner confusion, being together and being apart, past and future, life and death. Leading by love (eros), a series of sudden thoughts and premonitions and the composer's inner visions on Service's text is a vehicle, a canvas for this composition. It follows a multilanguage style between serial-atonal and tonal idiom. It consists of an introduction which is repeated variated at the end as an epilogue and nine variations, each of a different character - independent but following one another without a pause: 1. Introduction, Sudden Thoughts (Severo) 2. Var.I. Towards the Light (Lento ambiamente) 3. Var.II.Nightmare - Shadows' Chase (Allegro deciso) 4. Var.III. Hope (Lento mystico) 5. Var.IV. Moonlight Wandering (Valse noire) (Poco piu mosso) 6. Var.V.Vision i, An Imaginary Procession (L' istesso tempo) 7.Var.VI.Vision ii, Butterflies - An Unexpected Love Affair (Valse d'amour) (Allegro) 8.Var.VΙI. Depression and Relief (Illusion) (Grave) 9.Var.VIII. Contemplation Waltz (Passacaglia) (Con moto) 10.Var.IΧ. Confusion - A Broken Heart (Moderato) 11. Finale. Last Thought (Tempo primo)
op.77. "Affliction" for contrabass solo (2018) Work written in the memory of the victims of the great fire at Mati resort, Greece in July 2018. It is dedicated to French contrabassist Thierry Barbé, principal contrabass in Paris Opera Symphony Orchestra and professor in Paris Conservatory (Conservatoire National Superiere de Musique et de Danse de Paris), who actually gave the motive for this composition. It is based on: a. a 11tone row with D as supplementary, b. Thierry Barbé letter-name notes and c. perfect 4th interval. The parts: I. Invocation (lamentoso) II.On Fire (molto agitato) III.Flames Chasing (L' istesso tempo) IV.Souls (tranquillo, tempo primo)
op.78. "Fragments" Short variations for piano solo (2018). Thirteen short variations between an intriduction and a long epilogue follow a "theme" based on the lettername of distinguished Greek piano soloist and educator Kosmas Lapatas to whom are dedicated. The work, of serial character, unfolds through an austere time signature sequence (4+4+4+4+2) a parallel scenario which narrate, may be in an autographical way, characteristic instants from a couple's life. Sylistically marks composer's return to the austere serial technique. The parts: I.Moderato misterioso, Theme II.Var i.: Disagreement III.Var ii: Emotions IV.Var. iii: Question V.Var. iv: Common sense VI.Var v: Butterflies and bats VII.Var vi: Inner song VIII.Var. vii: Dreamland IX.Var. viii: Quarrel X.Var. ix: Allegatiions XI.Var.x: Growing tension XII.Var. xi: Lonely souls XIII.Var. xii: Attempts for reunion XIV.Var. xiii: Unexpected situation (Bird of knowledge) XV.Epilogue, From Silence to Love
op.79. "A Jazzy Mass" for 4-part children’s or women’s choir (2019 - 2020). The five-movement text of the Latin Mass Service is set in jazz, jazz-rock or ballad style for a 4-part choir of high voices and piano accompaniment. Part of the composer’s doctoral studies in Music Composition at the Ionian University (Corfu). Dedicated to the famous, awarded Rozarte Children’s Choir from Greece and its director Rozy Mastrossava along with its piano accompanist Jenny Soulkouki. The parts: I.Kyrie (Allegro, Jazz-Rock) II.Gloria (Fast Swing) III.Credo (Lento Moderato, Jazz Ballad) IV.Sanctus (Medium Fast Swing) V.Agnus Dei (Grave)
op.80. "Epilychnios" for counter-tenor and church organ (2019 - 2020). “Hymn Epilychnios”, one of the oldest text samples of Eastern Orthodox Church rituals was set by the composer at the beginning of his carrier as a 4-part choral piece, “Phos Ilaron” op.1. Epilychnios Hymn is an ancient Christian Hymn originally written in Hellenistic Greek. It is the earliest known Christian hymn, recorded outside of the Bible, that is still being used today. The hymn is featured in the Vespers of the Orthodox Church. Now this work stands as a special commission by Thomas Tamvakos Greek Composers’ Archive and dedicated to the artists of the premier performance Nikos Spanatis, counter-tenor and Christina Antoniadou, organ soloist (organist at the Anglican Church in Athens) who both made a recording of the piece for an upcoming cd. Text: "O Light gladsome of the holy glory of the immortal Father, heavenly, holy, blessed Jesus Christ. Now we have come to the setting of the sun and behold the light of evening. We praise God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For it is right at all times to worship Thee with voices of praise, O Son of God and Giver of Life, therefore all the world glorifies Thee!"
op.81. "Supplication and response" for soprano and piano (2020). A setting on a text by Antigoni Gaitana, dramatist, reffering to congregants supplication and Gods’ response within an Ancient Greece ritual for soprano and piano. Edited by Christos Marinos. The parts: I.Supplication (Ceremonialmente) II.And… (Meno mosso) III.Response (Misterioso- tempo primo)
op.82. “Suite for Joseph" for guitar solo (2020). A 6-part suite in neo-classical – neo-romantic and jazzy (Blues) style composed and dedicated to the American guitar soloist Joseph Ehrenpreis. Based on a series of notes derived from his letter name. The parts: I. Toccata (Allegro presciso) II. Ballade (L' istesso tempo - Alla breve) III. Startled but romantic (like a waltz, Allegro) IV. Reminiscence (Moderato) V. Funny Dance (L' istesso tempo) VI. Blues (Tempo di swing)
op.83. “Lament for Antoniou" (Song of a Soul Ascending) for alto flute solo (2020). A dedication to the memory of a great personality of the Greek contemporary musical scene, Theodoros Antoniou. Composer, conductor, ex-professor of composition in Boston University, ex-President of Greek Composers' Union. A simple song based on a series of notes derived from his letter name. The work is a commission by flute soloist Iwona Glinka for the “Fasma Music” CD project “Lament for Theodore”.
op.84. “Steps" (A “Swing” Study) Rondo for piano solo (2020). A study on “swing’ rhythm in Rondo form dedicated to and written for George Kontrafouris, jazz pianist and organist, professor in the Music Department of Ionian University. Based, as usually happens with the last composer’s works, on a series of notes derived from his letter name. The work is a commission by the dedicatee for his new upcoming CD project “Music by my Friends”.
Op.85. “Prylis”An Ancient Greek Female War Dance, Toccata for piano solo (2020) A work in the form of a toccata, written for and dedicated to famous piano soloist Sorina Aust – Ioan. Once upon a time in Ancient Greece, female warriors used to perform a severe and rhythmic dance called "Prylis". It was the sheer counterpart of the very well-known male war dance "Pyrrihios". In my imagination, "Prylis" was the dance performed in 1803, before the Greek Revolution, by women of Souli, a village of Hepiros in North-West Greece, while on the run of the Ottomans were thrown by themselves one by one from the cliffs of the mount Zalongo not to be captured and disgraced by them becoming a symbol of heroism and self-sacrifice over the years!
Op.86. “Ode” for clarinet solo (2020) A work dedicated to the Greek clarinet soloist Chryssoyla Georgaki and the memory of her father. It follows the form of an Ancient Greek Ode. The parts: Strophe I Strophe ii Strophe iii Antistrophe I Antistrophe II Antistrophe iii Epode
Op.87. “A Sarabande for Joseph”for guitar solo (2020) A work dedicated to the American guitar soloist Joseph Ehrenpreis. A standard dance type of the Renaissance with a glance of modernity! Performed by Joseph Ehrenpreis in Seminole Music Festival, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Lake Mary, Florida U.S.A. opening concert, IN 2021. www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TOokNpsVZ0 www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FBY2F7fkDI
Op.88. “Seven Bagatelles” for piano solo (2020) A work derived from the Toccata “Prylis” op.85, written for and dedicated to famous piano soloist Sorina Aust – Ioan. Seven short pieces based on the main musical material of the Toccata. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItjEOB4VpMM
Op 89. "Mosaics (I & II)" for flute, alto saxophone, trombone, vibraphone and contrabass (2022) The work is written on the occasion of the 100 years celebration of the Greek Composers' Union (1921 - 2021/2022). The composition procedure of the work implies a mixture of tonal and serial/atonal elements tightly packed next to each other in the way mosaics are structured. The work was premiered by members of the Greek Ensemble of Contemporary Music at the 2022 Athens - Epidavros Festival. youtu.be/LO-b_UAiNAY
Op 90. "One Minute Waltz (Valse Grotesque)" for piano solo (2022) The work is a miniature piano piece written especially for the celebration night of 70 years of the Friends of Music Society (1952 - 2022). It is mainly serial with many tonal elements in its composing procedure.
Op 91. "Archanes" for piano solo (2022) Archanes was an ancient city of the Minoan era located on the Greek island of Crete. It used to be the summer palace of the Minoan Kings, but is also a mystic city of my imagination disclosing all its charms and mysteries throughout the time. From the ancient city itself and the palace with its imaginary king to the ancient necropolis, from the fountain and the medieval castle to the sacred mountain of Jiuchtas. seven images are unfolded in each part of the work. Seven landscapes before a fantastic visitor, who wanders among these imaginary landscapes... The parts: I. The old city from afar (Allegro semplice) II Night in the ancient palace (l' istesso tempo) III. King Archos (Allegro feroce) IV. The Ancient Necropolis (Adagio mystico) V. The Old Castle (lie a fanfare) VI. The Fountain (l'istesso tempo, flowing) VI. The Sacred Maountaiun (l' istesso tempo, maestoso, con forza) The composition process of the work 'Archanes" for piano solo op.91 follows a mix of tonal and atonal elements. It is dedicated to pianist Konstantinos Papadakis (director of the Summer Piano Academy in Archanes, Crete,, Greece). www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv31o0cFjGA
Op 92. "Epochiko" for alto voice and piano (2022) The work is a setting of, under the same name, poem by Greek poet Pavlos Fournogerakis. The prosody and conceptual identity of the text stand as the base for the melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic development in a composition process that follows a mix of tonal and atonal elements. The work was performed by Ioanna Vrakatseli (alto) and Myrto Akrivou (piano) at Athens Concert Hall, Greece on November 2022. www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY2pFW0Ifng
Op 93. "Hymn to Aphrodite" for alto voice and ancient Greek varvitos (2022) The work is a setting on the ancient Greek prototype of a hymn to Aphrodite by Sappho, the ancient Greek poetess. The rhythmic elaboration follows the ancient metric prosody of the verses in a modal scale environment. The work is dedicated to Evangelia Thalassini who provided the idea and the appropriate information for the metric prosody of the ancient text.
Op 94. "Six Inventions" for cembalo solo (2023) The work follows the early baroque style in a new tonal perspective. It is written especially for the wonderful cembalo soloist Katerina Ktona. The parts: I. Andantino (...like a French Overture!) II.Allegretto moderato III.Allegretto IV.Con moto (Recitativo) V.Allegretto (Canon) VI.Allegro www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTHAz46s7oU www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxSPD_YqlvY
Op 95. "Meleagrou Epigramma" for soprano, violin, bass clarinet and piano (2023) The work is a setting of the ancient epigram by cynical philosopher and poet Meleagros, from Gadara (1st century B.C.). This epigram is about the poet’s desire for young Cypris. The work follows the idiomatic serial process of the composer’s last works. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax0ESSEsQqQ
Op 96. "The Five Elements" Suite Concertante for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and vibraphone (2023) The work is a symbolic representation of the five elements of nature according to Ancient Greek Philosophy. Five movements, five solo monologues by each of the instruments depicting one by one the five basic elements. Clarinet for Water, cello for Earth, flute for Air, violin for Fire, and vibraphone for Ether, the most ambiguous element of today. Four intermezzos for the full ensemble are unfolding between the solo parts. A Prologue at the beginning and an Epilogue at the end accomplish the whole piece.
Op 97. "Snowscapes" for mezzosoprano and piano (2023) The work is a setting of three poems from the poetical collection "Snows" ("Ta Charagmata", 1986, Ed. Plethron) bt the Greek poet Tassos Galatis. I. The Kingdom of the Birds II. Season III. At Matins The work is dedicated to Tassos Papadopoulos (Tassos Galatis), the composer's former and beloved teacher from his high school days. It is written in a free serial process. Op 98. Bacchai "Parodos" for 4-part mixed choir (2023) The work is a setting on Euripides Bacchai v. 64 - 72 in which the Bachai chorus is descending from the mountains in the city of Thebe, Greece, performing a choral ode with pipes and timpani in praise of god Dionysus. The rhythmic elaboration follows the ancient metric prosody of the verses in a modal scale environment. The work is dedicated to Evangelia Thalassini (Director of the stage - Actress - Researcher of Ancient Greek Music email: ([email protected]) who provided the idea and the appropriate information (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INpTcHWSpqE&list=PL9dv-8qOvs--Hv3b7zzbdPvz-VU2ZNU8y) for the metric prosody of the ancient text.
Op 99. "Four Inventions" for alto saxophone and cembalo (2023) The work follows the early baroque style in a new tonal perspective. It is based on "Six Inventions" for cembalo solo op.94 (2023). It is a commission by Thomas Tamvakos Greek Composers Archive and dedicated to Thomas Tamvakos. The parts: I. Andantino (...like a French Overture!) II.Con moto (Recitativo) III.Allegretto (Canon) IV.Allegro
Op 100. "Oedipus Rex "Parodos" for 4-part mixed choir and bass drum (2024) The work is a setting on Sophocles v. 151 - 215 in which the Chorus fearfully sings to Zeus, wondering whether the solution is going to be revealed as some awful thing that has been hidden all along or has come back to haunt the city. It describes the horrible plague and its effects, including the diseases that are further spread by all of the dead bodies lying around the city. The Chorus asks what Zeus has in store for the tormented people of Thebes, and in its fear it calls on several gods to step in to protect the people and alleviate the suffering sweeping the city. The rhythmic elaboration follows the ancient metric prosody of the verses in a modal scale environment. The work is dedicated to Evangelia Thalassini (Director of the stage - Actress - Researcher of Ancient Greek Music email: ([email protected]) who provided the idea and the appropriate information (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INpTcHWSpqE&list=PL9dv-8qOvs--Hv3b7zzbdPvz-VU2ZNU8y) for the metric prosody of the ancient text.
Op 101. "Plural Number for soprano and piano (2024) The work is a setting of the poem by the renowned Greek poetess Kiki Dimoula. The piece is dedicated to her memory and follows a free atonal idiom. It's a beautiful way to honor the work of a talented poet. Premier by Evdokia Moisidou, soprano and Dimitra Kokkinopoulou, piano in the context of "Musicalizations IV" last November, 25, 2024 at the Concert Hall Athens. www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Krz5jtbHc
Op.102. "À la manière de..." Suite for two clarinets, bassoon, and cembalo op.102, (2024) Like the Piano Concerto op.33 (2005) is written under the concept of imitating the style of two beloved composers (Paul Hintemith and Johann Sebastian Bach) and a traditional dance (from Greece). The parts: I. Introduction II. Scherzo (À la manière de Paul Hintemith) III. Dance (À la manière d' un Danse Grecque) IV. Fugue (À la manière de Johann Sebastian Bach) The work is dedicated to Chryssoula Georgaki, Maria Sarri, Maria Coletou, and Katerina Ktona. It is based on the composer's older compositional staff...
Β. Orchestrations - Transcriptions 1. Giannis Konstantinidis: Suite Micrasiatique (Prelude) for violin, clarinet and piano (“Deree College” 1995, Nansy Toufexi, Stathis Kiossoglou, Vicky Stylianou)
2.George Gershwin: Three Preludes, for clarinet and string quartet (1996)
3.George Gershwin: Three Preludes, for flute, oboe (english horn), clarinet (corno di basseto) and piano (Philippos Nakas Concert Hall 1996, Katerina Zenz, Giannis Papagiannis, Stathis Kiossoglou, Reyma Raias)
4. Nikos Kypourgos, Dimitri Maragopoulos, Lena Platonos: «Lilipouloli» (excerpts) «Η Μπόσσα Νόβα τουΖαχαροπλαστείου», «Ανατολή και Δύση», «Ο Χορός των Μπιζελιών»,«Το Χρυσαλιφούρφουρο», «Το Εμβατήριο του Δόκτορα», «Στη Χώρα των Μπεμπάντων», «Μεσ’ στο Μουσείο», «Μια Βραδιά στο Πόρτο Λίλι», «Όλος ο Κόσμος είναι μια Λιλιπούπολη» for Children's Choir and 12member Student Orchestra (Geitonas School Theater 2001)
5. Alexander Scrijabin: 5 Preludes (op.16 n.1, op.22 n.3, op.35 n.2, op.51 n.2, op.74 n.4 ) for large orchestra (2002)
6.Sergei Prokoffiev: Visions Fugitives op.26, (1,2,4,12,5,6,7,9) for large orchestra (2002)
7.Sergei Prokoffiev: Visions Fugitives op.26, (16,3,10,13,11,8,14) for clarinet and string quartet (2002)
8. Arnold Schoenberg: 6 Kleine Klavierstucke op.19 for clarinet and string quartet (2002)
9. Manos Hatjidakis: «Birds» (excerpts) «Πρόλογος», «Πέταγμα των Πουλιών», «Η Αηδόνα», «Προσκλητήριο του Έποπα», «Ω, Καλή μου Ξανθιά», «Ο Σωκράτης», «Οι Κύκνοι», «Ω, Μακάρια Πετεινά», «Η Βουλή», «Να ‘χεις Φτερά», «Τέσσερα τα Μάτια σας», «Πάροδος» for Children's Choir and 12member Student Orchestra (Geitonas School Theater 2002)
10.Traditional Dances and Songs from the World : (Original Adaptions) α. Hipeirus Dance β.«ΚοντούλαΛεμονιά» (Hipeirus) γ.«Μια ΣμυρνιάστοΠαραθύρι» (Smyrna) δ.«Άστραψεν η Ανατολή»(Smyrna) ε.«La Bouree en Auvergne»(France) στ. «Greensleeves» (G, Britain) ζ.«Horch was kommt von draussen rein» (Germany) η. «Hava Nagila» (Israel) θ.«Sakura»(Japan) ι.«Siyahamba»(Africa) ια.«’Olympic Games Hymn» (Sp, Samaras - K. Palamas) ιβ. «World Anthem» (D. Cope,J. Guillot, St. Bigger) for Children's Choir and 12member Student Orchestra (Geitonas School Theater 2004)
12 Songs and Choruses form Operetta and Musical: (Original Adaptions) “Sunrise, sunset” (Sh. Harnick – J. Bock) “Fiddler on the Roof”(Sh. Harnick – J. Bock) “Do – Re – Mi”, “Somewhere” (L. Bernstein – St. Sondheim) “Summertime” (G, Gershwin – D. Heyward) for Children's Choir and 12member Student Orchestra (Geitonas School Theater 2005)
13.Beatles Songs: (Original Adaptions) “All My Loving” (J. Lennon- P. McCartney) “It’s Been A Hard Day’s Night” (J. Lennon- P. McCartney) “Eleanor Rigby” (J. Lennon- P. McCartney) “Yesterday” (J. Lennon- P. McCartney) “Let It Be” (J. Lennon- P. McCartney) “Lady Madonna” (J. Lennon- P. McCartney) “Love Me Do” (J. Lennon- P. McCartney) for Children's Choir and 12member Student Orchestra (Geitonas School Theater 2006)
14.F.G.Lorca Traditional Songs: (Original Adaptions) for Grreek singer Giorgis Christodoulou “Los Pelegrinitos” “Anda, Jaleo” “El Café De Chinitas” “Οι Ρηγάδες της Τράπουλας” for voice, accordeon, cello and piano ("Tsai sti Sahara" Art Center, Athens , 2006)
15."Eurorevision" , Giorgis Christodoulou , Orchestrations and Arrangements: "Μου Λες" (A. Plessas), "Μάθημα Solfege" (G, Hatzinasios), "Μοιάζουμε" (T. Biniaris) ΕRΤ, CD 601, 2006
16. Greek Pop Songs from 60s (Original Adaptions) "Το Κορίτσι του Μάη" (Olympians) "Εσένα που σε ξέρω τόσο λίγο (Olympians) "Ξαφνικά μ' αγαπάς" (Idols) "Το Σχολείο" (Olympians) ¨Ο Τρόπος" (Olympians) "Τρελοκόριτσο" (Charms) "Jeronimo Yanka" (Vangelis) for Children's Choir and 12member Student Orchestra (Geitonas School Theater 2007)
17. Greek Language Traditional Songs from Southern Italy (Original Adaptions) "Tarantella Napoletana" (Napoli) "Tarantella Siciliana" (Sicely) "Νανούρισμα" (Salento) "'Αντρα μου πάει" (Franco Corliano - "Kalimera" village) "Καληνύφτα" (Salento) "Aremu Rindinedda" (Salento) for Children's Choir and 14member Student Orchestra (Geitonas School Theater 2008)
18.Rebetiko Songs (Original Adaptions) "Μπαχτσέ Τσιφλίκι" (V. Tsitsanis) "Φαληριώτισσα" (G. Papaioannou) "Ματόκλαδα" (M. Vamvakaris) "Τα Καβουράκια" (V. Tsitsanis) "Το Μινόρε της Αυγής" (Anonymous) "Πριν το Χάραμα" (G. Papaioannou - H. Vassileiadis) "Φραγκοσυριανή" (M. Vamvakaris) "Χατζηκυριάκειο" (D, Gogos [Bayaderas]) for Children's Choir and 20member Student Orchestra (Geitonas School Theater 2009)
19. Songs and Music from Old Greek Cinema (Original Adaptions) "Τα Παιδιά του Πειραιά" (M. Hatjidakis) "Ο πιο καλός ο μαθητής" (G. Zabetas - H. Vassileiadis) "Zorba the Greek" (M. Theodorakis) "Crazy Girl" (M. Plessas) "Fssst Boing" (M. Plessas) "Πσου! - Γείτσες! - 'στω!" (M. Plessas) "Μένουμε πάντα παιδιά" (M. Plessas) for Children's Choir and 25member Student Orchestra (Geitonas School Theater 2010)
20. Manos Hatjidakis: «Oh! My Fair Blond» («Birds»), for flute, cello and piano (2010)
21. Dimitri Fampas: Danse Grecque (Sousta), for two guitars (Maria Papadi duo, Paris 2011)
22. Giannis Konstantinidis: Suite Micrasiatique (Prelude) for violin, cello and piano (“Kendal Concerts” Pennsylvania, 2011 - The Crosslands Concerts, Pennsylvania, 2011 "Trio Casals" Sylvia Abrahamian, Ovidiu Marinescu, Konstantinos Papadakis)
23. Manos Hatjidakis: «Oh! My Fair Blond» («Birds»), for violin, cello and piano (“Kendal Concerts” Pennsylvania, 2011 - The Crosslands Concerts, Pennsylvania, 2011 "Trio Casals" Sylvia Abrahamian, Ovidiu Marinescu, Konstantinos Papadakis)
24. Cartoon Music Project (Original Adaptions) "The Muppett Show Theme (J. Henson - S. Pottle) The Pinnk Panther Theme" (H. Mancini) "Εγώ κι εσύ μαζί" (Toy Story) (R. Newman - J. Panoussis) "Popeye the Sailor Man" (S. Lerner) "The Snowball Song" (Mahna - mahna) (P. Umiliani) "Θα 'μαι καλό παιδί" (Gummy Bear Song greek version) (Ch. Schneider - Th. Papanikolaou - D.Patrikiou) for Children's Choir and 25member Student Orchestra (Geitonas School Theater 2011 - Golden Hall, Marousi, Attiki 2011)
25. Astor Piazzolla: "Histoire du Tango" Ι - ΙΙΙ for windquintet ("Q innegal" Quintet, "Parnassos" Concert Hall, Athens, 2012)
26. Giannis Konstantinidis: Suite Micrasiatique (Prelude) for violin, alto saxophone and piano (2012)
27. Manos Hatjidakis: «Oh! My Fair Blond» («Birds»), for violin, bar. saxophone and piano (2012)
28. A Dedication to poet Nikos Gatsos (Original Adaptions) "Το τραγούδι του Δρόμου" (M. Hatjidakis - N. Gatsos) "Ο Εφιάλτης της Περσεφόνης" (M. Hatjidakis - N. Gatsos) "Φύσα Αεράκι" (St. Xarhakos - N. Gatsos) "Μια Κεφαλονίτισσα" (L. Kilaidonis - N. Gatsos) "Μίλησε μου" (M. Hatjidakis - N. Gatsosς) Η Μπαλάντα του Ούρι" (M. Hatjidakis - N. Gatsos) for Children's Choir and 25member Student Orchestra (Geitonas School Theater 2013)
29.A Dedication to greek songwriter Dionyssis Savvopoulos (Original Adaption) "Τι έπαιξα στο Λαύριο" (D. Savvopoulos) "Σαν τον Καραγκιόζη" (D. Savvopoulos) "Η Συννεφούλα" (D. Savvopoulos) "Ας κρατήσουν οι χοροί" (D. Savvopoulos) for Children's Choir and 25member Student Orchestra (Geitonas School Theater 2014)
30.Leonard Bernstein: "Mambo" from West Side Story for piano trio (violin, cello, piano) (2015)
31.Giorgos Koumentakis: "Mediterranean Sea" Ι. Thyme ΙΙ.Bee and Wild Tulip ΙΙΙ.Sparrow IV.Mint V.Praying Mantis VI.Dragonflies VII.Sage adaptions from the, by the same name, piano composition by Giorgos Koumentakis, with the collaboration of pianist Viny Fountafor flute (alto flute), piano and electric bass. (Performed live by the"Baroque and Blue" ensemble at General State Archives Hall during an event organized by Municipality of Philothei - Psychiko "Εκ Φύσεως η Πόλη μας" on November 2014.)
32. Alfred Schnittke, "Suite in Old Style" for flute, piano and electric or acoustic bass (Pastorale, Ballet, Minuet, Fugue, Pantomime) for the "Baroque & Blue" (Ixnos) ensemble. (2015) (Performed by the "Baroque & Blue" (Ixnos) ensemble in Aetopouleio Cultural Center and 3d Progam of Greek State Radio (ERT) live in 2019)
33. Manos Hatjidakis: «Oh! My Fair Blond» («Birds»), for clarinet, trumpet, english horn, trombone and tuba. (2015)
34.New Greek Composers Songs 1,Τα Παπαγαλάκια (Nikos Platirrahos) 2.Έχε Αγάπη Φίλε (Nikos Platirrahos) 3.Ψάχνω να σε βρω (Panagiotis Theodossiou - Sevy Tiliakou) 4.Στα Λιμάνια Ανάψανε Φωτιές (Evanthia Rebutsika) or Children's Choir and 25member Student Orchestra (Geitonas School Theater 2015)
35. Songs from the current European and American Scene. 1. "Rolling in the Deep" (A. Adkins - P. Epworth) 2. "Impossible" (Shontelle) 3. "Happy" (F. Williams) 4. "'Ομορφη Μέρα" (Onirama) for Children's Choir and 25member Student Orchestra (Geitonas School Theater 2016)
36. John Francis Wade: Adeste Fideles (2020) for Kaloy’s Conservatory Student Choir and Orchestra
37. Eric Satie: Gymnopedie n.1 (2020) for Kaloy’s Conservatory Student Orchestra
39. Johann Strauss: Waltz from “Der Fledermaus” (2020) for Kaloy’s Conservatory Student Orchestra
40. Dmitri Shostakovitch: Waltz n.2 from “Suite from Variety Orchestra” (2020) for Kaloy’s Conservatory Student Orchestra
41. Nikos Skalkottas: Epirotikos Dance from “36 Greek Dances” (2020) for Kaloy’s Conservatory Student Orchestra Performed by Kaloy Youth Orchestra conducted by P. Theodossiou at Parnassos Concert Hall, Athens (2023)
42. Giannis Konstantinidis: Suite Micrasiatique (Prelude) for oboe, clarinet and piano (2022) Performed by Dimitris Hatzoulis, Stelios Kotrotsios and Vicky Kakagianni at Municipality of Larissa Conservatory (2023) www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbb-zO4bgfU
43. Panagiotis Theodossiou: Tranquillity (2020) for student orchestra
44. Nikolaos Mantzaros: Greek National Hymn (2022) for student orchestra
45. Nikos Skalkottas: Epirotikos Dance from “36 Greek Dances” (2022) for student orchestra
46. Panagiotis Theodossiou: Barcarole (2022) for student orchestra
47. Henry Purcell: Rondeau (2022) for student orchestra
48. Henry Mancini: Pink Panther Movie Theme (2022) for student orchestra
49. Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto for two violins and orchestra in A minor op.3 n.2 L’Estro Armonico (2023) for student orchestra www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xuox9JUJjf4
50. Richard Rodgers – Oscar Hammerstein: My Favorite Things, The Sound of Music (2023) for student orchestra
51. William Schwenck Gilbert – Arthr Sullivan: Trio, Micado (2023) for student orchestra
52. Luigi Arditti: Il Bacio (2023) for student orchestra Richard Strauss: 2001 A Space Odyssey Movie Theme (2023) for student orchestra
56. Norwegian Traditional: Masurka (2023) for student orchestra
57. Norwegian Traditional: Halling (2023) for student orchestra 58. John Williams: Star Wars Movie Theme (2023) for student orchestra
59. John Barry – Monty Norman: James Bond Movie Theme (2023) for student orchestra 60. John Williams: Indiana Jones Movie Theme (2023) for student orchestra